Free bus passes for over-60s have made travel easier for many older people in the UK, and helped them to stay independent. But now the Local Government Association (LGA) has published a report suggesting that free bus passes should no longer be free to all, but subject to means-testing. Independent Age disagreees, and has issued the following statement:
“Our research tells us that the free bus pass has been of great benefit to the vast proportion of our beneficiaries across the UK. Making public transport easy and accessible is vital to addressing and preventing social isolation often felt by older people, and we must be careful not to underestimate its importance. Receiving the bus pass is seen by many as one of the few perks of getting older and introducing an element of means testing to this could instead be inhibiting to some.
At Independent Age we are already aware that means testing and the stigma attached to this can deter older people from claiming their entitlements. We strongly hope that this will not become the case with the bus pass, particularly as its use is so publicly visible.”
What do you think? Do you use a free bus pass, and should the service continue for all? Leave a comment below and have your say.