Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Independent Age runners triumph in Newcastle's great north run

Congratulations to Estelle Jackson (left) and Naomi White for completing the BUPA Great North Run on behalf of Independent Age. Estelle is a friend of North East and Cumbria Area Manager Kay White and Naomi is Kay’s daughter. For both, this half marathon was quite an undertaking, as neither has run competitively in such an event before.

Estelle took to her training with enthusiasm and dedication. Juggling the roles of wife and mother with her work in HR for the Home Group in Newcastle, she worked tirelessly in her sponsorship collection and received support from work colleagues, friends and family in the North East, The Midlands and London.

Naomi’s training followed a different pattern, slotting in between studies and exams. Naomi is a student at Dame Allan’s School's Sixth Form in Newcastle. She ran in memory of her grandpa Max Thomas who died in August. Max was a volunteer for Independent Age in the South West at the age of 82!

20th September, race day, was beautiful and sunny. Rock star Sting fired the gun to start the race and the sea of competitors began their toil to South Shields. It was a day full of emotion, particularly at the finish where the months of training and that great sense of achievement hit home.

“I am so proud of them both, what a true achievement”, said Kay White.

Estelle & Naomi raised a tremendous £515 for Independent Age – well done and a big thank you.