Keep Warm Keep Well, a national government campaign targeting the reduction of cold-related illnesses and deaths during winter, offers tips and advice on keeping you warm and well this winter.
The campaign offers a variety of practical help and tips such as how to keep your house effectively insulated so as to reduce heat loss and how to stay healthy and fit during cold spells.
You can also find information on financial assistance, such as grants and benefits, that are available to you to help make your home warmer or simply to assist you in meeting the financial demands of your heating bills.
Keep Warm Keep Well produces informative leaflets that are available for those who want further information on how to stay warm and well through the cold winter months. Look out for them in your local supermarket, GP’s surgery, local pharmacy or Council offices. You can also view all the information online at http://campaigns.direct.gov.uk/keepwarmkeepwell.
For advice and information on the grants that are available call or visit:
- Warm Front Scheme on 0800 316 2805 or visit www.warmfront.co.uk
- Cold Weather Payment by visiting www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk
- Home Heat Helpline on 0800 336699 or visit www.homeheathelpline.org.uk
- Energy Saving Trust on 0800 512012 or visit www.energysavingtrust.org.uk
- National Energy Action by visiting www.nea.org.uk